As a student at Orlando Christian Prep, your child will have opportunities to participate in a variety of activities beyond the classroom. Orlando Christian Prep offers students extracurricular activities such as fine arts programs, athletic opportunities, student leadership opportunities, spiritual growth and various events in which to participate.
Nutritional Services
Our lunch menus and ordering process is set up on FACTS. You can choose to order your lunch for the whole month or a week at a time. Lunches are to be ordered each week by Sunday evening for the upcoming week. They need to be paid for at the time of ordering. They will not be processed completely until the payment goes through. Teachers are not permitted to place orders for students.
Computer ordering instructions
Phone App ordering instructions
OCP After-School Program
The After-School Program at Orlando Christian Prep features age-appropriate activities for students in preschool through eighth grade. In the After-School Program, your students will have time to study and do homework, as well as have time to spend outside and in the computer lab. Students enjoy free play, themed adventures and engaging activities. Students enjoy cooking, board games, gym time, and learning about topics such as dinosaurs, Mine Craft, Science, and Civil War Reenactments. We are looking forward to meeting your students and taking our school spirit to a new level. The After School Program helps give you peace of mind to know that your child is safe and enriched while you’re still at work!
Morning Care is provided from 7:00 am-8:00 am Monday-Friday.
After-School Program hours are from 3:30 pm-6:00 pm Monday-Thursday.
After-School Program hours on Friday are 2:15 pm-6:00 pm.
Pre-School & Elementary Extracurricular Activities
In-School Piano Lessons
Students have the opportunity to take private piano lessons from Mrs. Donna Janney. Through this convenient arrangement, students will be pulled out of one non-academic class per week for their lessons, so no after-school commitment is necessary.
Dancing Little Stars
OCP partners with Dancing Little Stars to offer a developmentally appropriate and engaging dance program for our preschool students. Little students learn dance fundamentals while having lots of fun! Registration for Dancing Little Stars may be obtained from the OCP Administrative Offices.
Upper School Extra-Curricular Programs
National Honor Society
Orlando Christian Prep offers students the opportunity to be selected for The National Honor Society (NHS). The National Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS and NJHS serve to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character (and Citizenship for NJHS). These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginnings in 1921 and 1929.
OCP Student Leadership & Global Next
Orlando Christian Prep offers a high school leadership program via Global Next. Students are invited to apply for this important opportunity by the administration of OCP. Those selected will take an international trip with Principal Jacobson and Global Next. This experience of a lifetime is filled with sightseeing of historic and cultural sights, as well as leadership training by Dr. Phil Johnson.
Students learn leadership skills, Christ-like servant leadership principles, and how to prepare to become leaders in the OCP student body. Leadership students participate in planning chapels, planning the high school retreat, and the high school formal/prom. The OCP leadership students are an important part of building a positive campus experience for all middle and high school students.
Thespians (Junior & Senior)
Orlando Christian Prep provides middle and high school students with the opportunity to advance in the area of theatre by joining the after-school drama club and international honor society, Thespians. OCP Thespians students are able to apply and bring to life content that is learned in the theatre classroom and more. Students engage in competitive festivals and expand their knowledge and skill sets at conferences.
Tri-M Music Honors Society

Beginning in 2022, OCP launched a Tri-M Music Society group. This exciting after-school music club allows the student leaders in our band and choir classrooms to engage beyond the classroom, participate in a variety of music-related after-school activities, as well as take an ownership role in helping administer the day-to-day music activities on campus.
Quiz Bowl
Middle and high school students can join the OCP Quiz Teams. Quiz bowl is a team-based, fast-paced academic competition played with buzzers… think “Team Jeopardy.” The OCP Quiz Teams compete in a variety of quiz bowl leagues and formats throughout the year, both virtual and in-person, the highlight of which is the FACCS Brain Bowl each winter, a two-day tournament in Daytona hosting teams from across Florida. In 2024, OCP finished first place in the high school division. They then traveled to Chicago to compete in the National Academic Championship, where they advanced to the playoffs and ended up making it to the top eight schools overall.
Chess Club
The 2023-2024 school year saw the launch of the OCP Chess Club, open for students in grades 6-12. Chess Club members get to hone their chess skills by competing against players of similar skill, as well as stronger players who can help them improve.
Orlando Christian Prep is home to both elementary and upper school cheerleading squads. These girls learn teamwork, sportsmanship, and bring an extra level of excitement to our football and basketball games.